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Mick Mac Ionnrachtaigh

Mick's Story

My entrance into the world of yogic practice took a slow approach.  My primary practice has been formal Tibetan buddhist meditations since ~2005.  One day, in ~2009 I was carried along to a yoga class semi-grudgingly.  My whole body and energy felt changed in ways I felt, but didn’t understand, and I made efforts to build a practice at home.  After over nearly a decade with intermittent periods of practice alongside yoga DVDs, circa 2018 I joined a studio and attended class every single day.  Initially, I sought transcendence of the body, the physical, the sufferings of existence through buddhist meditation practice.  I found an entrance into the body, into the moment, and out of the head through yoga asana.  I found an allowance for things I could not bear to access before.  A door was opening, and I had to enter.  I graduated yoga school in Dec 2021 from Perennial Yoga in  Fitchburg, WI. 


Yoga has been a transformational resource through all of my life’s turns, and I love sharing my practice with others.  It is an honour to be a guide as you reconnect, release, and find yourself in the present with use of breath, movement, and stillness.  These practices have been for me fundamental to dealing directly with life’s challenges, traumas, pains, and sufferings.  Seeing them, feeling them, allowing them.  I aim to bring a class that both meets the energy or style of class expected, and provides a well-rounded sequence from all the ‘asana families’ to address the whole person.  


In addition to Yoga, I teach meditation, pranayama and breath work.  I operate as a practicing Reiki Master, and guide Past Life Regressions/ Higher Self connection via QHHT sessions with students/clients/friends/community.   I have tried many mindful, spiritual, and healing avenues, and those which tools ‘worked’ are what I am most driven to share with others.  My initial approach of trying to escape or run away, and the successive approach of intensely blasting and pulling, or trying to force things into/ out of place didn’t quite work.  There is a mysterious middle-way, the effortless effort, the intense relentless relaxation, the ferocious one-pointed eternal exhale into everything…  A return home into fully-present human-ness I seek to share.


Off the mat, I love time with family, camping, doing absolutely nothing, playing music, and woodworking.


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*Staffed during all open hours






MON-FRI: 6 AM - 9 PM

SAT-SUN: 9 AM - 9 PM

Capital Fitness


15 N. Butler St. 

Madison,WI 53703
Tel: 608-251-1245



425 W Washington Ave

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